If you take credit card payments, you may be aware that regular vulnerability scanning and penetration testing are
New Check Point Software Offers 100% Malware-Free Emails
Malware hidden within emails can be a severe security risk to many businesses with figures suggesting that
Over-reliance on Anti-Virus Software May Cost You
Nowadays, antivirus software is a standard part of any IT security arsenal, allowing the user to scan both static
Ghost leaves Linux systems vulnerable to possession
A vulnerability recently found by Qualys, in most Linux distributions could allow attackers to take remote
Prime Minister hints at ban on end-to-end encryption
Following he attacks in Paris on Charlie Hebdo, David Cameron
12 million homes and business routers vulnerable to remote attack
It may be Christmas time for most of us, and we may get a chance
Google blacklists 11,000 WordPress sites infected with Soak malware
The users of WordPress, a free and open source content
Kaspersky Lab discovers new Turla malware sample designed to target Linux operating systems
Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have uncovered a new malware
New study shows nearly half of all web application cyber-attack campaigns target the retail sector
A new study by Data Centre Security firm, Imperva, has shown nearly half of all web application cyber-attack campaigns target retail applications. The Imperva report, which was based on an analysis of 99 applications over a nine month period by the company’s Application Defence Centre (ADC) research team, found that the retail was the most …
Regin malware – one of the most extraordinary pieces of hacking software ever developed.
Rarely does a week go by without news of another high-profile cyber-attack or the discovery of another malware virus, yet despite numerous security warnings many businesses still purposefully choose to ignore the threats. For reasons that remain unclear they continue to believe that the internet is still a safe place to do business. Well, after …
New CPMI report claims that restoring payment systems after disruptive cyber-attacks could involve compromising analysis of incidents
In the event of a cyber-attack what should be a business’ main priority? Should the enterprise prioritise restoring services or should it concentrate its efforts on reporting the cyber-breach? Well, that’s the dilemma faced by many businesses in the financial markets. But which priority should businesses concentrate their resources on? Well, according to a Committee …
Targeted cyber-attacks will continue to rise in 2015
2014 will be remembered as a year where the cyber-threat landscape changed. Gone were the days when hackers launched random attacks against businesses in the vague hope that they might strike lucky. Instead they turned their attentions to targeted cyber-attacks against prominent retailers where the pickings were potentially rich. Successful mega-breaches/ intrusions against retailers like …
Up to 12 million users could have been hit by hack attack claim cybersecurity experts
“Automated attacks began compromising Drupal 7 websites that were not patched or updated to Drupal 7.32 within hours of the announcement of SA-CORE-2014-005 – Drupal core – SQL injection. You should proceed under the assumption that every Drupal 7 website was compromised unless updated or patched before Oct 15th, 11pm UTC – that is 7 …
If you want to minimise cyber-threat put security systems in place which provide better protection, earlier detection and quicker recovery
If you run your own business what gives you sleepless nights? What concerns or troubles you the most? Is it remaining competitive in a depressed market, or the struggle to access finance to fund expansion? Well, according to the latest HP-sponsored 2014 Ponemon Cost of Cyber-crime Study, the biggest worry for the majority of businesses …
Cyber criminals are targeting online transactions where the EMV standard still offers little protection, warns the head of PCI SSC
Are you satisfied that your business’ PCI data security standards pass muster? Are you confident that the security standards you have put in place are robust and secure? Well, you may just have to reassess your strategy as this confidence isn’t necessarily shared by the body which administers the industry’s data security standard, the Payment …