A vulnerability recently found by Qualys, in most Linux distributions could allow attackers to take remote
Krypsys events – Content-focussed events on penetration testing, web application testing and all forms of next generation security threats.
Prime Minister hints at ban on end-to-end encryption
Following he attacks in Paris on Charlie Hebdo, David Cameron
Lunch with a Pen Tester 3 Places Left
Free Web Security Lunch and Learn Event with KRYPSYS and Alien Vault There are 3 places left on the next free lunch and learn event with Krypsys and AlienVault at the prestigious Eight Club in Bank, London. Attend this event and get the attackers perspective on web site and web application security from a senior penetration tester …
U.S. Authorities identify 1,000 more businesses affected by last year’s Target cyber-attack
How serious is the threat posed by cyber-attacks? Well, if the reports coming out of the United States are to be believed, then the answer is far more serious than many of us truly appreciated. Most of us will remember the cyber-attack against US retail giant, Target, last year. Many of us will also be …
Millions of LinkedIn users at risk from Man-in-the-Middle cyber-attacks claim security researchers
Are you a LinkedIn user? If you are then this story may be of interest to you. Security researchers at Zimperium Mobile Threat Defence, claim to have discovered a Zero-day vulnerability in the online business networking platform, LinkedIn, that potentially exposes its users to data loss and account hijacking by way of a man-in-the-middle (MitM) …
Lunch with a Pen Tester London and Manchester
Web Security Lunch and Learn Event with KRYPSYS and Alien Vault Attend this free-of-charge lunch and learn event with Krypsys and AlienVault at prestigious locations in London and Manchester. Get the attackers perspective on web site and web application security from a senior penetration tester and security consultant with more than 15 years experience. Request a place on this event …
2 Places Left – Web Security Lunch and Learn at the Eight Club
Lunch with a Pen Tester – 2 places left There are just 2 places still available at the free lunch and learn event with Krypsys and Barracuda Networks at the prestigious Eight Club in Bank, London. Attend this event and get the attackers perspective on web site and web application security, from a senior penetration …
Lunch with a Pen Tester
Web Security Lunch and Learn Event with KRYPSYS and Partners Attend this free-of-charge lunch and learn event with Krypsys and Pertners at prestigious locations in London and Manchester. Get the attackers perspective on web site and web application secuirty from a senior penetration tester and security engineer with more than 15 years experience. Request a place on this …
Cyber-attacks may appear to be decreasing, but the threat remains real claims Department for Business Innovation & Skills
Is cyber-crime the exclusive preserve of big business and multi-national companies? The answer to that is obviously not, though they do seem to attract a disproportionately large number of hackers. Given the assets of these corporations that’s hardly surprising. The only crumb of comfort for these larger corporations is that the latest Information Security Breaches …
Bank of England takes the lead in the war against cyber-attack
What’s the best form of defence when it comes to protecting against online vulnerabilities? If you’re the Bank of England it seems the answer to that question is pretty simple: you go on the attack. The Bank of England has announced its intention to take on cyber-attackers directly in order to ensure that the country’s …
Most cloud services pose security and compliance risks to European businesses claims new European cloud adoption and risk report
Is the cloud secure? Can cloud services be trusted to look after and protect vital business information? Most people would probably assume the answer to both these questions would be yes. However, a new cloud adoption and risk report from cloud company, Skyhigh Networks, has found that such presumptions can be dangerous. The company found …
Cyber security: ‘resilience’ is the key to thwarting cyber-attacks
Can any business ever defend against every potential cyber-attack or protect its networks from hackers? The short answer to that is no. Determined hackers are enterprising and surprisingly skilled at finding even the smallest chink in your business’ security network. So does that mean you shouldn’t bother with security at all? Well, no: on the …
ISO 22301 v BS 25999: what’s the difference?
What is ISO 22301? ISO 22301 has been developed to help organisations minimize the risk of disruptions. ISO 22301 standard replaced the current British standard BS25999-2. ISO 22301 is the world’s first international standard for Business Continuity Management (BCM) which can be used by organisations of all sizes and types. These organisations will be able …
Security risk management: EMC latest SBIC report offers recommendations to overhaul outdated and inadequate information security processes
The security division of EMC released its latest security report this week. The aim of EMC security division’s latest Security for Business Innovation Council (SBIC) report is to provide guidance on how organisations can gain competitive advantage by transforming many of the outdated and inflexible IT security processes which govern the use and protection of information …
Nearly 100,000 travel insurance customer’s credit card details compromised in cyber-attack
2013 ended just as it had begun with yet another cyber-attack against a firm holding customer data. The personal and confidential information of thousands of Staysure customers was stolen by hackers. The cyber-attack saw the credit card details of nearly 100,000 travel insurance customers compromised. The travel insurance provider has revealed that card payment details …