The Main Targets for Hackers in 2023 and How to Defend Your Computer Systems

Main Targets for Hackers in 2023 and How to Defend Your Computer

In our ever-evolving digital landscape, hackers perpetually sharpen their tactics, relentlessly seeking vulnerabilities and eyeing prized assets. Taking stock of how things have unfolded in 2023, it’s paramount to comprehend the cyber threats that loom large and, more crucially, how to safeguard your computer systems against their malevolent designs. Let’s delve into the primary targets …

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How Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Cyber Security

How is Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Cyber Security

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world as we know it, and the field of cybersecurity is no exception. AI is being used to develop new tools and techniques for detecting and preventing cyberattacks, as well as to automate many of the tasks involved in cybersecurity. One of the most important ways that AI …

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Is Cyber Essentials Worth Doing


Cyber Essentials was introduced in 2014 by the UK Government in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). The aim of the scheme is to improve the baseline cyber security posture of small businesses. In essence it is a practical, no-frills approach to addressing the key areas of cyber security. The basic concept is …

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Cybersecurity Trends so far in 2022

Cyber security trends so far in 2022

Cybersecurity is now a primary focus for companies and organisations of all types and sizes. Continuous change in technologies deployed to gain competitive advantage inevitably means a corresponding shift in cybersecurity trends. Phishing and ransomware attacks are increasingly with us and news reports of high-profile data breaches are becoming ever more the norm. As well …

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Security Tips For Gmail Users

security tips for gmail users

Are you a Gmail user? When was the last time you took a look through the settings to make sure you are making the most of the security features? Beyond enabling 2FA (which you should now be doing on all online accounts), what can you do to make Gmail more secure? Well, Gmail has a …

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What is DNS over HTTPS and how will it affect me?


Recent announcements by both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, have put DNS privacy into the spotlight.Changes in how DNS privacy is handled is a major change to the way the internet works but is little understood by the average user. So, what is DNS privacy and DNS over HTTPS and what effect will it have …

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Cyber Security View 2018

Cyber Security 2018

Cyber security is becoming a top priority for UK businesses as the attack landscape continues to grow.Cyber-attacks are constantly improving and diversifying, putting UK businesses at increasing risk. Ransomware and Crypto-Mining During the previous 12 months ransomware attacks such as WannaCry have been a persistent threat to organisations and it’s becoming more common for businesses …

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Cyber Security Management Trends for 2018

Cyber Security Management Trends for 2018

According to our customers and security commentators here are some major trends that will be a feature of Cyber SecurityManagement in 2018. Cyber Security Resource Shortage The shortage of cybersecurity-skilled individuals will continue to be problem during 2018. Globally, many thousands of cybersecurity roles remained unfilled during 2017. Based on the numbers of qualified and …

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Targeted cyber-attacks will continue to rise in 2015

2014 will be remembered as a year where the cyber-threat landscape changed. Gone were the days when hackers launched random attacks against businesses in the vague hope that they might strike lucky. Instead they turned their attentions to targeted cyber-attacks against prominent retailers where the pickings were potentially rich. Successful mega-breaches/ intrusions against retailers like …

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Up to 12 million users could have been hit by hack attack claim cybersecurity experts

“Automated attacks began compromising Drupal 7 websites that were not patched or updated to Drupal 7.32 within hours of the announcement of SA-CORE-2014-005 – Drupal core – SQL injection. You should proceed under the assumption that every Drupal 7 website was compromised unless updated or patched before Oct 15th, 11pm UTC – that is 7 …

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If you want to minimise cyber-threat put security systems in place which provide better protection, earlier detection and quicker recovery

If you run your own business what gives you sleepless nights? What concerns or troubles you the most? Is it remaining competitive in a depressed market, or the struggle to access finance to fund expansion? Well, according to the latest HP-sponsored 2014 Ponemon Cost of Cyber-crime Study, the biggest worry for the majority of businesses …

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The commercialisation of cybercriminality is making my job harder claims the Head of Europol’s Cybercrime Centre

Here’s a question for you. Who is behind all the hacking and cybercrime that we read about in our newspapers every week? Who’s controlling the hackers? Well, according to Troels Oerting, Head of Europol’s Cybercrime Centre, it’s an exclusive bunch of malware programming specialists. They are, he believes, around a hundred of these individual, mostly …

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