Security measures are often designed and implemented from the perspective of the defender i.e. from the inside looking out. From this perspective, 90% secure may look effective. To an attacker or pen tester on the outside looking in, a 10% opportunity would look like an open door.
Attend this lunch-time event and get the attackers perspective from a senior penetration tester and security engineer with more than 15 years experience. Reserve a place on this Webex by using the booking form below.
Webex scheduled for:-
- Thur 19th June 2014 | 1:00pm – 1:40pm
See the techniques that are being used to attack your web sites, intranet, extranet and web applications. The session will include a live demonstration of web hacking and technical social engineering techniques.
Find out about:-
- Attacking Web Applications
- Reconnaissance and Information Gathering
- Vulnerability Mapping
- Live Exploitation inc:-
- Data theft
- Firewall foolery – why your network firewall alone will not save you
- Owning the OS using covert channels
- Accessing a desktop session on compromised servers
- Maintaining access and onward attacks
- Mitigation
- Social and technical engineering – The two pronged attack
- The human element – be careful what you click
- The technical element
- Mitigation
We are now taking bookings for limited places. To reserve a place please complete the booking form below.
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