Attend this FREE event and find out why your network firewall may not save you.
You are invited to attend a Demonstration and Discussion on methods used to bypass your network firewall, followed by a light lunch and a Security Q&A Session in:-
- London Victoria | Tue 15th October 2013 | 11:00am – 1:00pm
Hacking and information theft are now big business. The major threat to your systems and data is no longer from teenage amateurs. Organised, professional cyber criminals want to access your systems and data in order steal your money and use your servers as a platform for attacks on other organisations.
Find out the latest techniques that are being used to attack your web sites, intranet, extranet and web applications. Lunch and a Q&A session will follow the live demonstration. Find out about:-
- Social and technical engineering – The two pronged attack
- The human element – be careful what you click
- The technical element
- Mitigation
- Attacking Web Applications
- Reconnaissance and Information Gathering
- Vulnerability Mapping
- Live Exploitation inc:-
- Data theft
- Firewall foolery – why your network firewall alone will not save you
- Owning the OS using covert channels
- Accessing a desktop session on compromised servers
- Maintaining access and onward attacks
- Mitigation
We are now taking bookings for limited places. To reserve a place please complete the booking form below.
NB – Please state the date and location you wish to book for.
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